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Our education system Doesn't test intelligence. It tests your memory


British designed our education system to get clerks who should remember where what file is what is its status, data of district on tip of tongue. yes it was big thing then coz there were no computers and there was no data search possible.

Intelligence is processing data. English used to get data from clerks process it in their head. And deliver cunning output (decision)

The same holds good for engineers, lawyers, doctors of today.

Engineers remember where dose what part go. but they would not know the logic behind it. Software engineers copy paste code and do alteration to fit fairly current need or patch a bug.

Lawyers typically remind judges which laws, evidence and judgments passed by other courts in near and far history, Honorable judge should consider, before taking a decision. lawyers don't decide or pass judgment, do they?

You know Doctors they go by medical generals, tests, scans and more importantly the knowledge given by Medical Representatives. And if the disease you have does not fit in their database. They will refer to a specialist. Do doctors go to extent of finding what new disease you have got? No they don't.

On day today basis people don't discover, research, ideate. They merely apply what they remember. Permutation and combination of this data sounds like a discovery  

Data is everything in day today things. Accessing it fast is a crucial thing. And even google struggles on day today basis to get these data access fast and faster.

If everyone was supposed to discover, research, ideate on day today basis. Life would be in "beta" mode. Like software's and gadgets are said to be in beta mode when they are really in early stage of development where anything can go wrong, with lots and lots of bugs(problems in software) and would crash more often than running stable.

Our "Stable life" already has enough bugs(problems) and crashes with stress strain and deadlines at work. Now imagine our life and work gets in "beta" mode. That is we start experimenting in life use intelligence to the core. At work everybody is putting their core intelligence to work and start experimenting in everything we do at office.

With enough “process” and “production pipeline” we get so many unexpected output. Because the “process” and “production pipeline” are boring and mundane all start using our core intelligence imagine what result to expect and what will happen to already tight and unrealistic deadlines.

Just get perspective of "beta" mode (beta i mean an highly experimental mode).

A "beta Doctor" : That doctor experiments with you some new medicine which was not taught to him in college or prescribe by medical council and your one kidney fails.

A "beta Yoga Guru" : Yogi taught me a new pose which was discovered just then and your back brakes and you get paralysis.

A "beta Engineer" : Engineer gave this Beta mode gadget and it blasted in my hand. Fairly tested Resent Samsung note itself blasted so often.

And so called creative fields like painting, film making, animation, game design all use the past works of others or say history of art & design. And past works of their own from their memory. This memory is used to do permutation and combination to produce a new work. And many a times they just copy best recent work they remember of and get blamed as copy. While everybody else intelligently copy from their memory.

Market Demand

What they are teaching in school is what the essential skill you need “memorizing” a tool to get rich. It is just that you don't enjoy “memorizing”. Do it if you want to get rich.

We expect people to be intelligent relatively. For example i get into taxi and i want to go to City Center. I want the taxi driver to use his intelligentsia only in finding most quick and comfortable and sure way to reach City Center. If he uses his intelligentsia to suggest you to share the taxi with 3 more people which will reduce 3 more taxi on the road eventually reduce traffic and hence can take you quicker to your destination. People normally don’t appreciate that. And it is more often called nonsense than intelligence. If taxi driver usages intelligentsia further more and suggests you to get out of the car and take a metro or other public transport to reach faster and also reduce pollution. Then you will get out but only to get into another taxi to cut the crap.

We all presume that “ I am most intelligent” all i need is loyal command obeying people to do tasks I assign by remembering the process I have designed for it, to achieve the result that I (or as my intelligentsia) think is the best. I (we) don’t need intelligent people. So schools can’t produce what is not in demand. If you were running a school would your intelligence let you run the school which measures students intelligence, which is in market demand?

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